The Mask of Standard
I stand behind the mask of standard
Afraid to show my true identity
For if I do, it might unleash
A sort of riot about the obscenity
Upon my naked thighs
Lie scars of unnatural growth
I think they’re beautiful
But the rest of the world lets out an oath
Upon my core
Sits a vesicle of ghee
I don’t think it’s too large
But the rest of the world exclaims, “Golly”
Upon my head
Settles an untamed, blonde mane
I think it’s one-of-a-kind
But the rest of the world thinks I’m a stain
Upon my bare legs
Grows fine, light ruff
I think it’s all natural
But the rest of the world has had enough
So, I stand behind my mask of standard
Too scared to show my character
Because to the world
I’m nothing but a single creditor