A Man's Cry: I Wonder If She Even Cares
I wonder if she even cares about me?
All this name calling is wearing and tearing on my internally
My confidence level has dropped and
My the respect I have for myself is lacking
You're not the person that should be doing this to me.
We started as family, I your nephew you my aunt
Then we shifted into you being my baby sister.
Now, all I ever do when I come over there is cry.
I wonder if she even cares that she's hurting me.
Calling me worthless, calling me a punk
Yelling at me commands of take your clothes off
Isn't my idea of auntie-nephew time.
Ripping off my clothes if I'm moving to slowly
Touching me and licking me and sucking me
On an area that mommy told me
Is the "bad person touch area"
Then after I start having funny feelings and white stuff shoots out
You all of a sudden turn the tables and
Lay on your back with your clothes off
Lay on your back with your legs spread wide
Yelling at me commands of stick your tongue out...
Yelling at me commands of put your tongue in here...
Yelling at me commands of suck this right here...
Then after it's all done with, making me take an hour's worth
Of bath-time and telling me
Now you know auntie loves you right?
So no one can know about this but you and I!!!
I wonder if she even cares about
The years of nightmares shes given me!
I wonder if she even cares that
Because of her, I don't want to do anything
Sexually with any female because it only reminds me
Of those babysitting times with auntie!
But that was then, this is now and I'm a grown ass man now.
Standing at 6 feet tall 234 pounds of pure muscle at the age of 34
Walking into the church getting ready to burry you
I take one last look into your coffin, these words I say to you...
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