Man of Atoms
Oh, Man of Atoms
How might I Help You?
Of What do I Speak when I Speak of You?
Do I Speak to Your Nerves, Reacting to Stimuli?
Of what Seperation are You and Your Nerves?
If I Take Off your Leg, are you Four-Fifths a Man?
How say You Your Memories are Yours?
Were they not Memories of Cells Past?
They are Photocopies
Your Child Past had them, not You
So Why say them Yours?
What is Yours?
The Air in your Lungs?
Shall I take My cells from the Child of my spawn
and Say- You Belong to Me- Those cells were mine!
Where Borders Man and Air?
Is Justice Coding?
What say you to Truth if it is a Bar-Code of the Mental Sphere?
Can that be Truth?
But then The Problem Returns
But then again
It's not hard to believe in the Circular Logic
When it's Turtles All the Way Down.