Mama's Boy
All struggles were introduced by my mom.
Because she taught lessons of dreams.
Creativeness through the dark times,
Drainging all emotion.
Everyone around me dreamed of Jungles,
Far away from home.
Green canopies housing exotic animals,
Hiding from their enemies.
In the safety of their parents arms.
Jonah, that's me, a not so exotic animal.
Kind of lost, but kind of found.
Losing touch with what I aspire to be.
Meaning, something I can't seem to find,
No matter how hard I try.
Only in the jungle can dreams become reality.
People often avoide them, their place of make believe.
Questions left unasked in the land of canopies.
Reality becomes a blur,
Sounds of life start to stir.
Time stops in the land of the trees.
Ubiety is nowhere to be seen.
Vultures roam the sky above the jungle.
Why does that always happen to mama boys like me?
Xenial towards everyone, but me.
Young animals like me learn from a mother,
Zoologists can't discover, What causes dream in the Jungle canopies.