A woman
A beauty in an embroidered frame
The master of embassy, its creator
That mirror beckons her name, playfully
Society will be the flame in the incinerator
The master of beauty, obedient revenge
Her glow and trestle, radiant like potted pleasure
Warm honey eclipses her tears
Society will be the flame in the incinerator
A close source for a misunderstood gradient
Her glow and trestle, devout and knighted
The inner beauty stripped and suspended in the air
She gathered for words on a page to whisper
A close source for a misunderstood gradient
She needs not listen to open mouths, the casualty of the drum.
The inner beauty stripped and suspended in the air
The mirror beckons her name with a safety net
She needs not listen to those people, free falling for freedom.
A beauty in an embroidered frame
Like a thick cloak of wool shredded off the back
This mind so enchanted, bruised mirror
Unchained to enter full bliss of unknown tendencies
That mirror drug her in, playfully
No longer a slave in an embroidered frame
Her shriveled body hydrated and sips of marrow
It was the food she grasped and finally swallowed
Music fled from her hands and drenched these white pages
She broke the rules and showed the others
Beauty in what she had created
This spark collided to perform on stage with its brothers
Who knew words could dance
Veins filled with jumping pulses
She felt alive in a corpse that was once ridiculed
Her eyes married with her surrounding lush support
The world will quake, size 12, she is awake
Society will punish her recovery path
Debt will be paid from organ to organ
People are people with no interpretation, not even there own
We are all beauties embellished with embroidered frames
Knowledge flowered from her to young minds she weekly mentor
Mesmerized by ballerina language forgetting their broken shelter
Her volunteer work wasn’t a job, zealous came her spout
These would grow not having the mirror as a playmate
When she sees the mirror, it silently waves, old friend
She caresses its dead cold silk
One day you will see through a laced exterior
My tears no longer shower your growth
A woman