Making The World A Better Place
For the world to be a better place for us and our children it must become a just and a compassionate society.We need more love to replace the overflowing hatred. We need more kindness to replace the cruelty everywhere.We need more philanthropy to replace our selflessness What will be your own Contribution? In making this world a better place poets enlighten our mind with words and ideas. Police keep the society safe from crime. Solders protect the nation from the enemies. Medical doctors heal the sick and the wounded. The Congress makes laws for a democratic society. Teachers educate the leaders of tomorrow. Lawyers defend us from illegalities postman ensures we receive our mails on time. Mechanics help us back on the road. Whatever we have a breakdown. What about the destitute in the society. Who cannot help and assist themselves! Those who are powerless to look after themselves. Who will help the poor and provide for needy? Who will aid the unemployed to secure a job? Who will look after the abandoned children of the world? Who will advocate for the battered women to get justice? It will be fallacy to expect the three levels of government. To provide answers for all the problems in our society. When are you going to start your own contribution? To make this world a better and friendly place. The time is right now, not tomorrow.