Make Up A Nation

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 23:59 -- a.lee1


Our love stories may be

Less complicated,

Our voices less honeyed,

Our habits deemed tradition,

And our meals family affairs,

But we are like you-

Just a little more country

We have our flaws:

Our minds linked directly to our mouth- without a filter

Our issues with gun control

Our own way of solving problems

And we love our flaws

You have you flaws:

Your never-ending lists of work

Your false social life

Your rare meaningful encounters

You cannot see your own flaws

We, together, make up a nation

That stands for freedom, the love

Of God, and peace

We are the soup of humanity,

The flavors of each of us mixed in

What we can call harmony

Let's stand for our country

And our flaws that make us

What we are


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