Make A Change
When close our eyes and open them its funny
because we see everything that we seen the first time our eyelids meet
Nothing Change.
And that's how the world if going to be
if we continue to wake up and got to sleep without putting in the work to stop destruction, it's going to be the same.
This world is Up Side Down
but no one is speaking out as if it's all good.
We got the drug Dealers that's destroying the neighborhoods.
But ME!
I would get rid of every addiction that causes affliction
which makes the human body feel the need of a fixing
We're so focused on the Dealer but Ignoring the fact that it's the user that keeps them in Business.
And it bring tears to my eyes seening gangs makeing the young go astray
Being that they're dropping dead everyday the world needs peace it's not suppose to be this way.
With boys liking boys and girls liking girl,
no one wants to tell them that time is wasting
Skipping over the fact that the bible says Homosexuallity is an Abomination
Them some people say "Well they can't get married"
well let me remind you that the bible also say without marriage its a sin having a masturbation
That's Called Funication!
Now Everybody is entitled to their own opinion
So excuse me if you disagree
but as i go through everyday life these are just some of the things I see.
And everybody always talking about lending a helping hand
But you hold your head down, and role your window up when you stop at the red light by the homeless man.
And as I see our young beat eachother down too a bloody poop
I remember the words my mama said to me
She said "boy you better deliver a mighty blow, because people don't fight fare no more"
If you get into a scramble these days, Tomorrow has no hope.
To the ones breaking into others home taking what they've horked hard for
You don't have to still it
Work Harder and go get it
You don't have to Take it
Trust Me it's a way to make it
Because I'm sure who ever your're robbing has been in those same shoes before.
Now everybody is entitled to their own opinion, So excuse Me if you Disagree
But as i Go through everyday life these are just some of the things I see.
This one is to the Parents!
Give your child a chance
If she want to dance
Let her Dance
If he want to play
Let him Do it
Let them know they can do anything if they put their mind to it.
And the whole world is under attack
It's not just hard for you because you're black
Matter of fact It should be easier
Because "Allz Uz Lifez We'z Been Like That."
And in Iraq they take our young girls and young boys
But i try not to let that bother me much
Because the Bible Talks About the Wars and Rumors of Wars.
And i didn;t have to bring up overseas
Because to get shot up
Left bloody Broken and Bruised You don't have to got to another Country,
Look around we do it right here in our own city streets.
When I look outside my window takes me through a loop
Just because you have a massive gun, with a clip to the elbow, shooting down your enemy on daily bases,
That doesn't make you a Troop.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so excuse me if you disagree
But as i Go through everyday life these are just some of the things I see.
And with Ray Charles and Stevey Wonder eyes I can see that the world is coming to an end
But when Judgment Day come
And it's just you and the Savior
And It's time to be held accoutable for your Sins,
Tell Me This,
Will He Really Let You In?
And I'm Trying to get personal
So I'll Close My Eyes
And I won't Say No Names
But I will Say This
Thank You, (Written by Joshua Kaskin)