Madelynne Marie
Madelynne Marie
Dear, sweet Madelynne, you broke my heart
when you chose it was your time to depart.
You gathered your joy and hid it away
so, the sorrow you feel could leave me betrayed.
My sweet angel unscrewed the white top
and swallowed 14 pills that made the world stop.
I felt the immense world become empty and shallow.
The choice you had made had shown no valor.
The darkness that you had gifted me made me decry
that you, Miss Madelynne, weren't ready to fly.
I prayed for your safely in returning mundane.
However, my heart would remain eternally sprained.
I wish you had come when you needed me most.
It’s too late now, because you are merely a ghost.
In your voyage to return to where you belong,
I wish you the best to return headstrong.
With many years you have now been regifted,
I sincerely hope you feel this anxious weight lifted.
Grab on tight to what you believe is right;
leave pasts behind because your future is surely bright.
I pray you will discover so many reasons
to continue your life through a plethora of seasons.
You are never alone in how you feel.
Sweet Madelynne, it’s your time to heal.