Luke and Han
The faggots and dykes want to murder Luke Skywalker and I'll tell you why;
Luke is forbidding them from joining the New Jedi Order and that's no lie.
The faggots and dykes show up at Luke's house and tell him to come outside, which is true;
Homosexuality has been around for years, so it's not new.
The faggots and dykes are ready to murder the Jedi Master with their blasters, as you can see;
Luke is having his brother-in-law, Han Solo, help him defeat the faggots and dykes and I'm speaking honestly.
When Luke comes outside and the faggots and dykes shoot, Luke uses the Force to make the laser beams hit the ground;
Faggots and dykes are filthy hounds.
Han comes out of the back of Luke's house and uses his blaster to shoot four of the gay villains, which is great;
Homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle that Luke and Han really hate.
Mara Jade Skywalker and Leia Organa are watching their husbands, Luke and Han, battle the faggots and dykes from inside the house;
A gay person is also a louse.
Luke uses his green lightsaber to battle the dykes and faggots;
Gay people are even maggots.
Han continues to shoot the faggots and dykes, which is excellent;
Han is an awesome general and a wonderful gent.
Luke uses the Force to battle the faggots and dykes as well;
Here are other things that I'll tell.
Luke and Han have defeated the faggots and dykes, which is neat;
The Jedi Master and the general are two heroes that no villain can beat.
Luke and Han continue to be heroes everyday;
Mara and Leia are proud of their husbands and that's all I have to say.