Luis Angel Vargas by Luis V
Luis Angel Vargas by: Luis V
My father promises me so many things
Promised me an Iphone 11 never got it
Promised me a visit to him on christmas
Never got it until the last day he was in Florida before he went back to Virginia
Now if I do have kids
I do not want you near them
I do not want my kids to go through the same thing
I am going through now
I hate you I tell myself
But I love you at the same time
I cry myself to sleep because of the hurt you caused me to have
You broke my heart
You tell me I am going to see you next time every year
But I never do
At this freaking point I gave up hope on seeing you again
I never want to see you again
I don’t even want to see you this Christmas like my mom is planning
I wonder why are you my father
I ask myself why does he only call on Sundays after church
My heart feels pain
It hurts feels like my demons won the battle between me and my dad
I feel like I gave into the hatred they were handing me as a present
I hate you dad
I don’t like you
I don’t want to see you ever again
Your the last person I would want to see
You are not going to see your grandchildren
Until I fully heal
I don’t even want to talk to you on Sundays anymore after church
I don’t even know why you are trying to crawl back into my life now
Where were you when I needed you the most
I’m done with you goodbye dad
I freaking HATE YOU.