Love's Paradox
The insanity drives me gradually,
Until I'm forced to wonder,
What is the source of this?
Could it truly be that, which I
A small, naive girl
Affectionatly call love?
Can that which
Unites lonely souls,
Binds away painful tears,
Consumes the mind in joy,
Ignites passions,
Also go dark side?
Unite fists and flesh,
Bind away smiles and laughs,
Consume happiness,
Ignite the fires of war?
We love because we care
Yet argue bitterly,
Saying it's base is affection
Rather than pent up worry.
Love means trusting,
Believing in another,
Even to the point of sacrifice.
It isn't afraid to stand
And sound the trumpet.
But how can it be love
If hatred results?
How can the remedy
Dually be the poison?
These thoughts run
Until sleep arrives,
Pushing the problem
To another dawn.