Lovers In Death
You start off small, with that feeling in your chest
And he looks at you
And says words you’ll never forget
They ring in your ears,
Every day you’re getting closer
Offering sweet, succulent kisses
They are cold at times, too.
He pushes you down in the summer heat
In your coffin, it gets oh so heavy
As your heart burns through your chest
The ashes pile up in the hands of the cremation
He gently steals your breath and you moan
For help; for ecstasy
The feeling in your stomach is back
Ten fold
The news starts spreading
Some could care less
Others come for comfort
You watch them all
They do not know your pain
They do not know those exact words he said;
Or the high when he stole your breath
All they know is it’s over
All you are left with is memories,
Darkness and quiet suffering
Trapped in some nethersphere
Slowly pittering away with thoughts
Then like a phoenix
Life comes swooping back in
Breathes you back into it’s wake
And moving on to better days.