Loved and Accepted
We are all loved and we are all accepted
I saw these words with my eyes but my heart was still rejected
We are all loved and we are all accepted
My mind was fully engaged but my heart was not connected
We are all loved and we are all accepted
I flipped the page but my thoughts were still arrested
Accepted. Rejected. Connected. Arrested.
To be connected to a word accepted, by a thought arrested, and a life rejected
My thoughts left the page and took flight
New heights they did find
New depths remind
You see, we live in a world that claims peace in exterior but neglects the interior
Wearier. Wearier.
We fain clothe ourselves in good words and glad tidings but inwardly we are conniving, unabiding
When will we see a change?
When will our world rearrange?
It's plain.
I can be all loved and all accepted yet feel rejected because my heart is unaffected
Inspect this.
I want change but I only want it for someone else?
I cry for the world to rearrange but I won't start with myself?
Inner wealth.
The knowledge that makes me better, the revealing of things that increases my inner bank account forever
And that is where I'll start
Far into the depths, deep into my heart
For when I start with me, I do see change
When I target my heart, the world will rearrange
And we will all be loved and we will all be accepted
Because true love begins in your heart and then everything else is affected
A life reconnected.