Love seems to be the hardest word

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 09:34 -- otnemem

Love is such a big word,

not to be taken lightly.

Words like "I love you"

sometimes tumble out

without much thought

and it's dangerous.


Some people react

with anger,

some with confusion,

some with pity,

and in my experience,

it's very rare 

to respond with love.


Love can make

or break

a relationship

so if I were you

I wouldn't say it

unless you mean it

and you're sure 

they'll say it back.


If you really love them,

don't put them on the spot.

Don't make them feel like

they have to say "I love you"

before they're ready.

Odds are, they don't want to lie

and you don't want to be lied to.


Don't put them on the spot

so that they pity you

and they say something 

they don't mean.


Don't put them on the spot

and make them angry,

because how dare you say that to them

when you know they don't feel the same?


Don't force them to say it,

because they might not mean it.


And the same goes for you.

Don't say things you don't mean.


Love is a small word,

but it has a great responsibility.

Use love wisely.

Do not throw it around.

Do not throw it away.


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