Love Scars
My love and devotion is overflowing
So I had to bottle my emotions
The ones I'm afraid of showing
Because if the book was open
You bodied me like Hulk Hogan
And there be so much tears that it would create an ocean
For this, I like to be alone
It gives me space to clear out my dome
And roam inside my mind of stone
I spit cold-like Elsa with the flow
So I can appear composed
Even though I got 99 problems and a witch I should let go
Not saying that I'm Jay-Z
But I do know a girl that pretty crazy
And as of lately
I've been giving her some space
Because talking to her feels like such a waste
Every text that I sent is filled with distaste
And she always texts like a year late
Which is why I have to let her know it's over
That pulling this relationship I felt like Atlas with a weight on my shoulders
So when she cries
I hope she realizes
That I'm not a bad guy
In fact, I was the first one to die
Now for this relationship, I have to say goodbye