Love Life Dream
love a first sight is like a light from a dark cave
your heart beats faster cause your loneliness is saved
in your mind you want to call her babe
you want to hold her hand underneath the shade
but truth be told
you a shy guy
cant even say "hi" when your eye to eye
"talk to her man" that is what you say
your heart keps beating every single day
it beats louder and louder like a drum everytime you see her
"i should go talk to her, naw maybe later"
your love for her goes crazy and cant be tamed
you told her
you love her and felt ashamed
she started to giggle
now you dont feel so lame
the two of you started to talk
your confidence grew taller than a beanstalk
then after a while you finally told her
you love her
she turned to you and said
"lets be more than friends, lets be lovers"