Love Edition 2
I’m a man of my word,
Personified as a man who screws things up,
Personified as the killer,
But open your eyes,
My love,
I am your lover,
I love,
I always have,
The passion cuts deep,
Long streaks,
Scars within my blood stream,
Poetic justice,
I would try to achieve,
Thrown at me,
Fair enough,
I would save you from the flames,
Even at the expense of me,
The fire runs long and hard,
The cuts not clotting,
The heart throbbing,
But the man has one thing on his mind,
I’m just a man,
Who loves,
And isn’t loved back,
Love has a price to pay,
We paid this price when we were born,
I stopped the moon,
And painted you,
I went to the stars,
And made a star in the shape of you,
What can I say?,
What can the world say?,
The blood keeps pouring,
And the love grows with a passion unparalleled in the history of our world,
After all,
It is all about your perception,
I’m a fucked up man,
I fickle like all of us,
But I love,