Love is Dead
Dripping like honey is the sweet
But just as easy is it to be engulfed in saccharine charm
As it is to drown and die in the thick golden azure
And what is this society
With its fascination
With the love of pain
And the hate of love
And the lovely masses are all trying their hardest to be happy
When subconscious masochism rules them like the puppets they let themselves become
Bleeding cut TV screen worshippers
And the bongwater becoming less water and more the semen and sweat and blood tears saliva
From the chastity knife that has surfaced from the depths of the abyss
To imprison the feeble minds of youth
And brainwash them into self-destruction.
Minds are not minds when they become the computers they need to survive
Handheld electronic machines spoonfeed
False pleasure
In true pain
So sting them with the theremin
So the orgasm overcomes the slow death ensuing
In every aspect of their ignorant existence.
All hail the almighty blade
The holy pills
And the sacred synthetic euphoria
To numb the abuse that becomes what they are taught to crave.
Love is dead
So embrace the sensual-destructive moans of the slowly dying dead