Love Born Anew
Healthy love is but a love,
That many strive and plead for.
For me, this feeling is finally mine,
After four years of what I then swore,
Was alright, but tis was not,
As hindsight truly opened healing doors.
True love is kindness, selfish it is not,
For healthy love is what we got.
Being calm, understanding, and true,
That is what I am learning, from being with you.
There for one another, a patient lover,
And simply just caring, caring for each other.
Not controlling, not jealous, not sneaky or sly,
But instead it is free, like a bird in the sky.
It is not a hit, push, or shove,
But instead, healing wounds with love.
The red flags that once left me blind,
Became much more noticeable with time.
Love should make you feel wanted,
Not afraid, or like you're walking on glass.
Healthy love is important and needed,
It is not a chore, but instead natural.
I am a survivor, a true warrior,
And to me this is what I strive for,
A world with no domestic violence.
Healthy Love is right, and great,
It is full of LOVE.. and free from all HATE.