Love is Beautiful
I remember that morning you left me.
It was almost as if you were happy.
I cannot forget that beautiful smile on your face.
Although my sun was lost,
I knew I could paint brighter tomorrows.
Who knew you were the blank white canvas I needed?
Time fades, and decisions begin to be questioned;
Caught between pain and passion,
The rain falls on my tin roof
As I stay inside, anxious yet hopeful
My sun will return.
As we change, so will the weather.
The joy within our lives
Lies within the unknown.
To waste away with no purpose
Is a cold and cruel existence
That nobody deserves to succumb.
Love is more than words and songs,
Love is more than hugs and kisses,
Love is more than you and I.
Love is everything;
Love is peace, hope, prosperity, joy;
Love is beautiful.