Love is blind. You see anybody can tell you that they love you but only you know if it's true. Do you love someone? Do you know if they love you? Love is such a powerful word. Someone told you they loved you but the word was slurred. Does being in love make you feel like you have the flu? Headaches, hurt and pain. Love can turn you blue, or make you feel brand new. That's all up to you. People cannot love anymore because they've been hurt so many times. When they feel like they're about to love again those past thoughts just replay in their minds. You said you were in love once and your heart was broken, listen it wasn't true love and these words are not just being spoken. Hear what I'm saying, take it all in Cause' one day you just might fall in love again, and don't be blinded by what you think is the truth. Make sure the next person you "love" really loves you.