
Sun, 09/20/2015 - 20:33 -- JPhinx
Excuse me while I ponder that statement.
That testament.
That question without the marks.
I’d say it doesn’t exist,
But then you’d counter with an argument.
Tell me how much I meant to you,
But really, when did that happen?
You’d say something along the lines of, “When we first met,”
I’d laugh in your face and say, “Boy, you a mess.”
You can’t fool me.
My momma taught me better than that.
I don’t mean no disrespect,
But you gotta come at me with a better than that.
I’m not buying your “love”.
It comes with a price.
I’m sorry young man,
But, uh, I’m not that nice.
I considered what you said and found it to be false.
Now you can leave you can go.
But then you said, “It’s your loss.”
My loss? I don’t thinks o.
But lets be honest,
How can you lose something you’ve never had,
Nor have I ever wanted.
You’re just a guy,
And you’re not the only one available.
Sorry I don’t fall for such silly words,
Maybe you will find what you want,
But with some other girl.
She’d listen to your lies, 
Your stories and tales.
Try it out on her,
And see if it sells.


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