Lost Goodbyes
The words come slipping out
before you can stop them like
and from the looks on their
faces you know
nothing said now will stop the bleeding
but Goddamit, what should you apologize for?
They don't know what
part of you died in that war
when you watched him lose himself
into scattered pieces
when you carried his scattered soul
into safety from the fire
when you had your goodbye ripped away from you
like you had lost your own limb
They don't know how hard she cried when
you gave her that flag
because no words will fix us no
words will change the war
Why should you apologize
for what you don't understand?
Surely they realize you're just
a man
Mortars are flying
and both sides are aching
They don't know you see him
when you close your eyes
and when you open them
he's there too
on the face of the young woman you left
behind as a little girl
in the eyes of the wife you used to hold
close and in the peaceful slumber
of the boy who will soon be a man
They don't get it that there are voices in your
head whispering "guilty" because don't you know
its his blood on your hands
and they don't get that you're guilty for all the
things you never did because you lost
your goodbye like you lost your own limb
Why should you apologize when you don't know what
you did I mean you heard the words and watched
it happen
but was that really you breaking hearts and
losing goodbyes because inside you're broken
without anywhere to hide
and they don't get that you've lost so
many goodbyes
You try to make up for it and you
try and you try and
you try
but that flag can't be unfolded and
your daughter will never be small
again and wish as you might
you might never be whole again
The ground is scattered with
all the bullets you've wasted and
the walls are dripping with the wounds you've
created by not swallowing your pride
They say there's no higher sacrifice watching
your buddy burn its for your country you
better be proud of letting him die letting him go
letting them go
But how could they understand that a handshake is
a mock to his memory in light of their words? they
never had to miss a goodbye or a first
day of school or a middle school graduation or
a birthday or even the birth of their first child they don't
know the goodbyes you've given up or the
self-respect you think you no longer deserve
even though there was nothing you could've done all
you wanted was a goodbye and
an "I'm sorry" and an
"I love you"
But how could they understand the limbs
you've lost in the cross fires of
life lost in the chaos of coming home
lost in the tears you cry at night lost
with him
because "I'm sorry" won't fix what
has been done to you or
to them and their looks when
you lose control remind you
of telling her he wouldn't ever come home
because he'll be thrown together
in a box in the ground like a hero with
a cross staked above him in a field
surrounded by other shattered lives but she'll
get a handshake
(don't worry)
and the things he brought
with him over there
(oh good)
and a sad lonely star to hang in her window but
all she really wanted was him or
at least one last goodbye that you couldn't give
So how could they understand the bullets you've taken
straight through the heart you've missed your
life and now its falling apart you see
the tears on their cheeks and wonder why yours
are dry so you keep talking but can't
apologize for something no man understands
Don't they see you're dying to avoid facing
the goodbyes because you want to see that high
school graduation and varsity sports game and
all the birthdays they might have left
and the voices still whisper from your bullet holes
"guilty" for failing but how is it
your fault you've done your best
considering how much you've given
And you think they blame you for
all that is wrong but how could
they understand it they don't know
what you saw while you were gone
They're scared because each goodbye
could be your last but you don't talk about
it its your sacrifice although you don't know all the
bullets they never meant to fire and they sit
up late at night praying for you in the desert please God
don't let that be The Goodbye
And you're in the same room but there's too much pride we
ignore what we don't know thats one goodbye we wish would
happen your lost limbs are creaking in the silence that
has exploded in light of your temper
But how could you understand why
the goodbyes they've had have lost you a little more each
time you've lost a little more each day you lose
him the one you saw crying with half
his face
half a goodbye
How will we ever understand the lies we tell
ourselves that goodbye would be enough we're so
riddled with bullets there's no going
back to who we were before
to who you were
before to them, not the ones you remember
What would you say to apologize for everything when his face haunts your
mind he's the one you can't apologize
to so every day you just wish
you could've said