Lost and Found
What happened in this year
Was absolutely a box of lost and found
So much good things came
And so did the bad ones
So many people I befriended
And some I may never see again
All of which sums up to the journey of life
To grow.
To learn.
To prosper.
But let's see if all that happened
Was worth it, shall we?
I lost my best friend
My beloved Japan mixed-breed dog
To a pouch of poison
Thrown into my grandma's backyard by the poor souls of dog poachers
That triggered my Lucky's curiosity
And made him leave my side
After five loving years.
I lost my father
The man who raised me up along with my mom
The man who took me to school
For eighteen years
To another woman
Oh, the common sin made by mankind
For a moment of ecstacy
In trade for a life time of regret
We now think of each other in heart
As we can't bare to see eye-to-eye again.
I lost my virginity
To a boy who wasn't even worth it
Because I wanted to know
What if feels like to be completely intertwined with another human being
I don't regret opening up
I just wished it was with someone else.
So what did I find
After going through such loss?
I found my strength
That I didn't even know I have
I stood up for my mom
Fought for her right
Protected her from being hurt
And will be taking care of her heart
To let no man ever breaks it again.
I found my soul
The thing that I've been searching for
Of all the times talking to my dearest Lucky
About a love that never exist
I guess he guided me
To where I am now
To the man I'm in love with
That has the deep brown eyes just like his.
I found out more about life
Just life in general
That everything all adds up to something
And anyone
Even the ones you thought will never betray you
Or leave you
Are totally capable of doing so
In just a blink of an eye.
Therefore, there's no need to cry
Or to be sad
Of the inevitable.
My goal now
And forever
Is to stay strong and happy
Strong in mind and heart
Happy in thoughts and spirit
So that there's always extra comfort
For a sudden bad day.