I am emotionless. The world movs around me,
clocks ticking, ticking, ticking away... away...
Until time wastes and I am only falling, falling
into the empty space that was once my hopes and dreams.
They are dead, dying, and I am in the center of it,
standing like a rock anchored to the ground while the world spins around me.
They all watch and wait for the first move to be made
and while they wait the time ticks away.
And then they are left sleeping like that beauty
waiting for a kiss of true love that wont come because they are locked in a glass case,
preserved by the makeup and expectations of the poision in your lives.
Friends, family, teachers, peers, coworkers, strangers...
Who are they?
Where do they end and the true you begin?
Becuase it seems like you are not yourself. The entire world is only one.
We are entwined, our fates designed to grow, to die.
The entire world peers at you through the class and you cringe, try to resist,
but the end is you only try, trying but failing, and you want to quit
but they all try to make you something you aren't.
You want to be something,
but they keep taking pieces of you everytime
until its all gone and the part of you that was once yours,
is dead and gone, but you don't care because you are now one of them
and are picking, stealing the pieces of someone who it not yourself.
Because you are now yearning for something else that you once had and lost,
but maybe it's better now.
You have nothing left to lose.
The entire you that was once you is lost,
but at least you're