Loss of Love
A normal day like any other,
You smile across the room.
I make my way to talk to you,
Then screams erupt, but whom?
Our eyes dart to the open door,
Where classmates hurry by,
The english teacher is covered in blood.
Some students begin to cry...
A man with a gun enters the room
As we cower to the walls,
Except one young boy who continues to stand.
Bang! He slowly falls...
When darkness takes over
Our nighmares come to life.
It's all a game really, whether you or me
A mear roll of the dice.
I watched as the barrel travels down the line,
Stopping with me in sights.
I never though you could be so brave,
You put up a hell of a fight...
Why did the bullet with my name,
Find its way to you?
The bullet would have hurt less
Than my heart torn in two.