Losing the one you love
She grew weak
She grew scared
Afraid of what might happen
Will her mom wake up
Live to see another day
What will she leave behind
A lost husband
A broken daughter
Both full of grief
Not knowing how quite to live life
Without the one you love
Please God dont take her
I'm not ready how will it feel to loose a mom
One you longed for
Her nurture, affection, caring, and loving
Something I've longed for
Please God dont take her
I'm not ready
But facing the fact of reality
Cancer is no joke
Stealing the one you love
As I watch her grow weaker everyday
I know it's coming
Confused and hurt
Not knowing how to help
To just make it go away
But I promise to not let you down
I will be strong
I will get through this
For loosing someone you love
Is a fact of life
I will be ok
I am okay