Look at the Horror
Don't turn your head
keep looking at the horror
of fallen victims
littering our streets
with continued
allegiance to the NRA
as millions hope and pray
their lives won't be the next in line
for the daily death squad
Keep looking at images of horror
daily episodes of killing
children shot in schools
blacks shot by police
gays shot by terrorists
police shot in retaliation
All incidents have one thing in common
the misplaced rage and anger
fueled by easy access to guns
dangerous assault weapons
created for the battlefield
not the streets
where innocent victims crave
one more day to live with less stress, more joy
Stay focused on the horror
are we so lost in our own worlds
we no longer have the capability
to open our eyes and see the truth?
Access to guns creates fear
in all Americans
look at the blood, bodies
and senseless hate
permeating our brains
forgetting a time
when the lonely and disenfranchised
weren't afraid to come forward for help
to solve their endless pain and frustration
Continue to face the horror
but this time choose not to take another life
try reaching out to someone safe
and be grateful you have them in your life