Lollipop Trees
She sits at the table staring far out
Day dreaming of course, for there is no pout
Daydreaming of things each one of them sees
As a beautiful land of lollipop trees
What really goes on in her mind as she stares
Is a world that is fear, and hate, and unfair
She's scared of what happens when she goes home
In her head she wimpers, and feels so alone
Every person that passes think that she sees
A beautiful land filled with lollipop trees
No one bothers to ask her or shake her
They let her be scared instead of just wake her
She hopes and she wishes someday she'll escape
But she doubts it will be allowed, by cruel, cruel, fate
Nobody wakes her as time goes on
Until home violence goes too far, and poof shes gone
The terrible things that she really sees
Her face might disguise as lollipop trees