The Lizzo Fans
The Lizzo fans are chasing a girl and I'll tell you why;
It's because the girl doesn't want to be a fan of that fat bitch and that's no lie.
When the martial arts Muslim sees the girl being chased, he comes to her rescue;
The Muslim jumps up and kicks the first Lizzo fan in his face, which is true.
The Muslim sidekicks the second Lizzo fan in her face;
Lizzo and her fans are a disgrace to the human race.
The Muslim elbows the third Lizzo fan in his face, which is great;
Lizzo is a skank that I really hate.
The Muslim delivers a spinning back kick to the face of the fourth Lizzo fan, which is cool;
The Lizzo fans are total fools.
The Muslim front kicks the last Lizzo fan in his face and I'm speaking honestly;
The martial arts Muslim is excellent as can be.
When the Lizzo fans are defeated, the rescued girl thanks the Muslim, which is nice;
The Lizzo fans' hearts are cold as ice.
The martial arts Muslim calls the police;
The Lizzo fans are never filled with peace.
When the police arrive and arrest the pieces of shit, the martial arts Muslim goes away;
The martial arts Muslim saves the day.