Living is Repeating
How do you live in a world such as ours?
Easy. You don't.
You don't live at all, you just age, breathe, sleep and wake up.
In a cage of dominos set in circles around you that never fail to repeditivley collapes.
That the worlds gravity continues to pick up when the night falls,
Stars revealing your pain.
Making your scars shimmer like a billion diamonds
Reflecting each ones story.
How do you live in a world such as ours?
Where who you are and what defines you is what you see in a mirror.
Where our born talents and gifts don't matter and are thrown onto the same grading sheet.
As Albert Einstein once said..
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid"
How do you live in a world such as ours?
Where the line of morality has been erased by the word FREEDOM.
Where LOVE and DEPPRESSION are probably the top two most loosely used words.
Thrown around like looks
And recieved like oxygen into our lungs.
I guess i don't know how to live in a world such as ours.
So i don't.
I just age, breathe, sleep, and wake up.