Living For Approval
Why do I try so hard? To the extent that I finally give up Why am I trying to live for man's approval, to be accepted by others and to be liked by others to the point I'm living two separate lives.
Why do I get rejected so often, when I worked hard to get one's acceptance when I know know full well I am already accepted by my heavenly Father!
Why am I trying to strive for perfectionism, but in the end fail to do every single thing I do, perfectly?
Why am I trying to live and make my life running from one thing to another, trying to make a mask for my life so that I can fit in with the world and the people around me; trying to stick with the norm and to get the memo so that I don't have to be an outsider sticking out like a sore thumb, when really I should be living for the audience of one and only one who knows me better than I or anyone could.
One who knit me together in my mother's womb, one who chose me before the foundation of the world, one who knows me inside and out.
Amen! To God be all the glory!