Live For YOu
They say be yourself.
I do so.
They say be the best you can be.
I try to be.
They say reach for the stars.
I do so.
But no matter how hard you try, you're not good enough.
We strive for greatness.
We must compete to for the best jobs.
We must compete for the best schools.
Everything, a competition.
I will never be Oprah.
I will never be Bill Gates.
I will never be one of the greats.
But I will be my great.
I will accomplish my goals.
I will try to acheive what I want.
Yet, it's often not enough to be yourself.
Nor will it ever be.
For people often hide passions to reach success in the eyes of the public.
Ultimately we live for others.
But I say take the risk to be individual.
Take the risk to be you.
Some people may not think you're the best.
But if you see good in yourself, make something out of it.
Fufill your heart.
Don't live for the public eye.
Live for you.