To Live, or Not to Live
Oh to be a cloud;
flying high above the earth,
far from this madness
This madness we call life.
Schedules and deadlines
nonexistent in the world above.
Oh to float aimlessly,
the bliss, the sweet bliss
of nothing to do, nowhere to be.
For Success they say,
Fortune they say,
What of Happinness?
Joy, Family, Love?
Fame and Success are nothing.
Up above there are no worries.
No pain, No distress.
But wait...
Life is not all bad,
I suppose...
Life is a two way street.
A cloud knows not of love
Knows no joy to combat pain
no raw emotion of human nature.
Passion, Ardor, Fidelity
The fervor to live
Beautiful, fantastic life
How could I overlook?
Love is greater than Hate
Joy greater than Despair.
Oh to be a cloud;
the memories I would miss
the loneliness I would endure.
Oh to live;
what a beautiful thing to live