Live for the Armistice
Live for the Armistice
My mother told me to get ready for a fight,
For she could hand me no silver platter.
It’s eat or be eaten.
It’s kill or be killed.
Don’t slip up,
Lest you’ll fall behind.
Eternally living in a cold war mindset,
Every action preparing for battle.
But the threat of arms,
Only ensures retaliation.
Finger on trigger,
Kills promise of peace.
Life’s never been fair and the world is a mess.
But that doesn’t mean there are not times,
When fortune is friendly
Not everyone’s an enemy.
So challenge
The warnings you receive.
For let me remind you that
Life, is not a battle, but a war
And there are ceasefires.
Small victories
Large victories
And of course defeats.
Don’t get downcast by the losses
And collateral damage.
Because not every battle can be won
Hurt happens and
Losses are just reminders
To help you grow
The odds are completely against you, yes.
But everyone loves a good underdog.
So fight when it’s needed,
And enjoy when it’s not.
Learn to live for the armistice-
And survive the next brawl.