Little Things
It's the
Little things.
How it feels
When you can't smile
And make it feel like
How it feels
When you can't catch
Catch, your breathe
You try
To breathe
But can't.
How it feels
When you can't even
Consider that friends
Could actually want to
Do things
With you.
How it feels
When you can't ever
Think that a guy could
Actually like you
So you won't get your
Hopes up.
Or if they do
Make up an excuse
So that their liking
Isn't legit.
How it feels
When all you ever
Were, and all you'll ever
Be, to yourself, is
Ugly. Because once you
Accept that, there's no
Going back.
How it feels
To think that all your friends
Hate you, and that
The world would be
Better off without
How it feels
When you can't be
Happy, genuinely happy,
Without a bad feeling in
Your gut, or
Without thinking, knowing
Something bad is bound to
How it feels
When everyone you
Know, is liked better
And more, than you.
To feel that
You are more an
Obligation, a redo, than
A chosen friend.
How it feels
When crushes kill
You, but you still fall
For any guy who talks to
Or is nice to
You, and then
You think about any
Interactions for
Weeks, and if you only
See them once then
Never again, there is a
Dull throb in your
Heart, and you feel so
Shallow, and lonely.
How it feels
To not ever trust
Yourself. Not to speak
Your mind, in the fear
That you will say the
Wrong thing.
How it feels
To have the need to always
Watch your back. Why
Trust? For some, trust
Was made to be broken,
Like secrets and rules.
You never know who
Holds the knife,
And humans
Leave scars.
And how it feels
To always break your
Own heart, so others won't
Break it for you.
To slowly, painfully break,
From the inside out.
Because Lucky, lucky
girls learn how to
break without dying
in many different ways.
This poem is about:
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