Little Red
Once there was a little girl
Whose cloak flowed down in red
Carrying for her grandmother
Soups and fresh baked bread
‘Fore she left her mother's house
As onward sang the crow
Her mother said, “My Little Red,
Through yonder woods thou shalt not go”
Little Red just gave a smile
And then a quick small nod
For it was known the last to walk
Within the woods was clawed
The young lad, son of Paul
Escaped without his hand
And at that time from the woods
Where women and children banned
But Little Red had no fear
As her grandmother told her so
“The wolf won't touch or hurt you
As long as your cloak flows”
So down into the forests
Through the fastest way she went
Until her nostrils filled
With the sweetest scent
A bush of reddest roses
From which she picked three
Then to her horror she heard a voice
“Doth thou not fear me”
She turned to see a wolf
Whom looked old and sick
And said “I am off to seeth me grandmother”
Then the wolf ran off quick.
When Little Red had reached
Her unwell grandmother’s home
The front door was left open
For some reason unknown
She went into her grandmother's room
And there she was awake
“Little Red with your cloak
The wooded path you did take”
Let Red nodded
But she looked in surprise
For the was something off
About her grandmother's eyes
The where slowly changing
From wolflike to human
And her skin crawled with goosebumps
She the cold wind blew in
“Grandmother, thou eyes
And thine hair dis’pearing from thee skin”
And grandmother said “Thou shant worry Red,
A she-wolf would never hurt her kin
The red cloak that to you I gaveth,
Carries my she-wolf smell
S’when I sawt thou in the woods
Immediately I could tell
That thou art something to me
That thou art blood of mine
So as longeth thou shalt carry my scented cloak
Within the woods thou art fine”