This Little Raven
It was a day the Lord made;
the day this little raven came to be.
Such grace and strength had he.
He yearned for the day--his day--
when he could finally fly free.
All the courage in the world
mounted on his breast;
a heart full of love;
a mind of earnestness;
he set out to find himself.
He jumped from his nest.
That day, this little raven learned
just what he could be
and became the finest blackbird
you ever did see.
Make no mistake abony,
for this little raven
is so much more than thee.
Flying high in the sky
with a soul so pure
and a love so great,
one lucky raven to spot her mate.
My boyfriend has a very unique name which means "little raven" in another language; it is what inspired me to write this poem.