The Little Paper Soldier (Inspired by Bulat Okudzhava)

Thu, 01/05/2023 - 11:20 -- Prints

Once little soldier lived in the world,

He was an honest, brave, and fair.

In hand he firmly held a sword,        ……..  but

It was a toy made out of paper.


     The truth and justice moved his thoughts,

     He looked at all as brothers,                 …alas,

     In real life, the truth for some

     Proved truthful lie to others.


     He wanted to defeat the spite,

     To bring light into living,                     …alas,

     Along with good, in real life,

     The evil feasted being.


     He would be glad to fight with foe

     Not for the sake of glory,                      …alas,
     In real life, what’s right? What’s wrong?

     The line between them blurry.


His dream was to remake the world,

to make the people happier,               …..   …but

He was suspended by the cord,

A toy made out of paper.


     And once, he did not hesitate

     To rescue in the fire,

     And he was burned, just been - and burned,

     The paper toy expired.


He’s burned, but friends composed song

Of little paper fighter,

Who dreamt to make this crazy world

Some happier and kinder.


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