Little Angel


United States
31° 47' 42.1836" N, 106° 21' 29.3508" W

i am not mommy's little angel.
maybe i was once,
but i've lost my halo.
i can't be who she wants.
though i've tried,
i can't change my faults.
i don't like pink dresses or butterflies.
i could say that i do,
but i'd be living lies.
i'm not social and outgoing like her.
but trusting anyone,
is a recipe for hurt.
only when she drinks
does she say,
she's proud of me.
if said sober, it would've mattered.
but instead,
my heart gets shattered.
i'm sorry i can't be your perfect princess.
all i seem to cause,
is more distress.
nor can i be the perfect daughter.
it seems impossible,
like mixing oil and water.
together, we are strangers.
i'm sorry i'm your little longer.


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