Little Advice
I can grant you little advice, but not because I don’t want to give advice.
Because I do
Right now more then ever, but I wont.
I will not destroy my future self to help you be better because you don’t want to be better.
Do everything the same
Fall at that time, and be her friend, and don’t study for that test.
None of it mattered anyways
Because all of that lead to you being their friend and you making that one screen play
And you being so ready to be you
Make the mistakes, make everyone of them! And be happy because you made them for yourself and you are never going to take them back.
You’re stranger then you think
You’re lovely
You’re you and you cannot change
Here’s some advice that you can take:
Everyone believes in you more than you do, listen to them. Dream bigger then any other and smile.
Because you will do something I promise,
You’ll be
You want
To be
So fly you little bird and become a bigger bird
Because you can