To Listen (to the Subtle Stirrings)
My name is the syncopated beat
Of a dotted eighth note, sixteenth note
Rocking like a boat on windy waters
My laugh is the swoop of glissando
Sometimes a delicate slide
Mostly the guffaw of comedic release
My day is the tedium of tremolo
Rapid repetition; a scheduled affair
Punctuated by the half rest of sleep
But don’t be lulled, or even fooled
Into complacence
Into the mere satisfaction of definition
Instead listen closer, listen longer
Into quandary
Into the subtle nuance of connotation
Hear the crinkly ting of triangle
The rustle of a turned page
Of thousands of printed black words
Hear the countermelody of viola
Lifting her friend, the violin
Through a melancholy E minor
Hear the tenacity of the tuba
Doggedly perusing the high note
Of a grade, a competition, a career
For though I am defined by music
Dictated by the sharp black outline
Of written notes on a staff
I am made up of the instruments
Who paint the textured curves
Of my hopes and dreams
I am made up of the musicians
Who listen for subtle stirrings
Of an entire symphony
In this crafted cacophony of life