Listen Closer
You don't see me as perfect
You see me as ugly, annoying, and anything else that comes to mind
And I won't say you can't hurt me
Because I don't believe
That sticks and stones
And broken bones hurts less
Than everything you call me
And how you see me
And I know you can hurt me
You have and you will
And it hurts more than a broken bone
Getting called names hurts more
Than a punch in the face
Your words are like a thousand fists
And each one makes me bleed a bit more
Cry a bit harder
Until you leave
And I am left choosing between
The pain of twisted limbs
Or twisted words
And let me tell you
Your words
Will always hurt more
Because they leave cuts and bruises
But they mostly leave pain
And we all show off our pain in the halls
And we wear every insult, every hate-filled word
We wear them all like battle scars
That mark us great warriors
With strenght you'll never beat
They mark us as soldiers
That know the difference
Between fight for your life
And fighting for your soul
When you look up the definition of perfect
You expect to see a picture of yourself
But instead
You see nothing
The word perfect
Is the only pictureless word
In a dictionary full of bright, colorful pictures
And when you look up imperfect
You expect to see a picture of me
But instead you see the whole universe
Because nothing
Is a perfect as it seems
And maybe I'll never understand
Why the sun can't revolve around the earth
How humans were born from almost nothing
Maybe I'll never know
Where the ripples in the ocean end
Where they fade away and the water looks normal again
And it seems as if nothing changed
As if your presence has no effect
We all carry weapons
Some carry words
Others violence
But we carry love
A crazy thing that holds us together
Like hot glue
Sticky and fast acting
It keeps us alive
As we struggle day by day
To make it to the top of the mountain
Our hearts used to be full
Full of the love we carried everywhere with us
Like the stuffed animal a child never wanted to let go of
But our hearts were ripped apart
Torn to shreds
And everything we carried in our hearts poured out
And disappeared
And we were empty
With nothing left to hold us together
So we fell apart
Pieces of discarded trash
Spread across the floor
The wadded up piece of paper
That just missed the trash can
And we were recycled
Into things like fire and ice
Frozen exterior
Almost melting on the inside
We were sticks of dynamite
Placed carefully around the world
Dangerous, explosive
Afraid of our own power
Left with nothing but the hope
That maybe someone would press the plunger
And we would explode
And the world would see us
As the tragic mess
Of loss, envy, and suffering
As the mess that they created
We started an army
Our armor was our experience
Our only weaknesses
Were what we hadn't been through
But you put us through it all
You made us stronger
And now we can fight
And finally beat you
After all this time
We can finally win the war
And put ourselves back together
Without wanting to explode again