Listen to This
I think I never learned to speak
Or, at least, not to stand up for myself
I didn't speak up
I couldn't speak up
Pushed around from an early age
A shopping cart
Bumped, bruised,
Until I didn't want to go on
Whose fault is it though?
Was it me? Was it them?
I could have ordered them to stop,
refused to be a doormat.
My voice is an avalanche when I find it
My mind turning and churning
I could have gone for help sooner
My chance is gone...
It's too late now.
I took my voice for granted
For so long
It was as if I never had one.
I didn't speak up
I couldn't speak up
The choice was mine
It still is mine
I should speak up
A basic right
I deserve to be heard
Sitting in silence for so many years
That ends
I can speak up.
I will speak up.
Because MY voice is no longer to be taken lightly
By me,
Or anyone else.
Because I deserve to be heard.