Linear Love

Half my time is spent finding perfect words for perfect moments
And I’ve never quite gotten the exact words I want for them.
How do you find words for breathless ribbon twists and windy whispers?
I never learned how to transfer radiating happiness
Into language energy.
Anger is so much easier to share.
“I love you” similes frustrate me because
I more than love you, in an explosively inexpressive way.
I hope you choose to believe that because
I love you like only I could.
I love you like a kiss loves to linger.
I love you like words love to leave when I need them.
I love you like this simile loves to be lacking.
I love you… like only I could.
You can’t tell a boy he’s beautiful
But the word handsome doesn’t seem to encompass lapis lazuli doorways
And asymmetrical plateaus to the right degree.
Crooked everything is my new perfection.
I don’t think I say enough,
And at the same time it’s a little too much.
When am I gonna reach comfortable medium?
Content with food and lack of company?
I hope it is and isn’t soon.
Lately I’ve had this new overflow of feeling
More concentrated than happiness.
It comes around every time you button push send.
I get half a math problem,
But I don’t mind not knowing what’s less than three,
That’s the fun part.
What equation makes up the heart rate speed up,
palpitate, accelerate, base thump feeling
I get when you look at me?
I abandoned math and tried French and pig latin and even elvish,
But I still can’t find a concise description of you and me
And what we equal.
I’m back to my half math problem.
Do you wish you were my derivative so you could lie tangent to my curves?
By all means, do so.
My fingers are bent,
I’ve been forcing quadratic formulas and euclidean geometry
out of a pen that loves words and not isolated letters.
My lips are bruised; I’ve tried for so long to find words for you.
I string punctuation like morse code,
Watch my spiderweb spinning.
Catching innocent phrases as my prey,
Simple snack, it’s brain food.
I am no morning word thug,
I don’t use words as lures for fish but
Sometimes I trap them in your freckles.
I’d rather wish on them than stars,
They’re trapped around your shards of sky anyway.
Read your constellations, play connect the dots for me
Add them together and see if you can find me my less than three.
It’s easier than expression through blinks and inaudible hoping.
I wish for simple lines from you,
Not lines of verse,
And knotted bands
We are based on simplicity,
Like any circle is an endless loop,
So simply ask me,
Language works more ways than one.
Your smile lines have multiplied and I can’t help loving that it’s partially my fault.
Just like your laughter bubbles freely where it was once Brita filtered through,
We were losing all the good parts.
And now you get stumble tongued like never before,
Your tongue trips over your teeth and the words tumble out,
Your mouth sounding like my mind,
Wrong order, backwards, and twisted,
Full of exponents and square roots that don’t belong.
I love it.
I love it like when we study the T and N planes together.
I know it like the back of my metaphor
And I’ve memorized your lips so well
I can steal the words from your breath before you speak them.
They always taste so sweet coming from you
It’s like you slip skittles in between the cracks of your consciousness,
Like you spliced the formula for spun sugary cotton candy into your thoughts.
Once the taste hits my tongue it dissipates
And I’m left with nothing but a yearning for more.
Without that, I’m as empty as a keyhole throat,
Broken setting for a necklace, nothing fits
Until you fill it with your linear systems and I’m sent reeling all over
We cross half distances, never a diameter crossed until
We meet at our new X, Y co-ordinates on this plane.
Your arms become my parenthesis
And I’m finally face to face with the answer to my unsolvable.


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