The Light In My Tunnel
The light shines on my plate,
Reflects the smile on my face.
The light makes me dance,
Two step, snap, cabbage patch.
Food is my light.
Light comes in different forms,
Potatoes are my favorite light,
No one can mess up a potato.
Fried, Baked, or Broiled,
Potatoes are light.
Light comes in different forms,
Corn is my favorite light,
No one can mess up Corn.
Fried, Baked, or Broiled,
Corn is light.
The light shines on my plate,
Reflects the smile on my face,
There is a kernel above my eyes,
There is a potato by my lips.
The light makes me dance,
Two step, snap, cabbage patch.
Potatoes and corn are light
Food is my light.