This Life's An Illusion.

Wed, 10/20/2021 - 17:02 -- Wired6

Standing,waiting under the soft drops of rain,

falling on my head,heavy,but soft at the same time,

Soaked through,I waited way over the designated time.

I expected from him.

On the edge of the pavement, his car screeched 2 chassy heading

onto pavement,mean't for pedestrians, as I.

Immediately, I knew he wasn't alright.I could smell senseSeMelia

wiffting out of his sexy BMW,window open,car.

I don't know why,but I asked him if he was alright,a heavy feeling

of fucked up despair,anger,sorrow,all emotions mixed together,

but being sensitive,I could feel all his pain.

He quietly replied - yeah,I'm alright.I'm alright ain't I babe,

he asked the souless girlfriend. Always hand stuck 2 her phone,

never looking up,didn't know her name.

Alright,you take care.I said,retrieving my laptop from his long fingered



©Wired6. 8/10/2021



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