A Life of Words

Thu, 12/11/2014 - 14:36 -- KetKat

With every crack with every hole

A peek on the inside of this dark cavern home

A spark, a flame, so tiny but bright

Surrounded by laughter, and joy, and every scared feeling

Take a look inside for there is nothing to hide

Uncover this mask this act of a fool

A child, a teen, an adult

Not one, not two, but all?

I am who I am, now and forever

The tilt of the lips, a smirk and no more

Squinting of the eyes in joyous laughter and surprise 

Mellow out voice so cool and warm

Every stitch and every patch covers a scar

I am but human  with everything and more

To laugh and to love, snicker and hate

I am who I am, now and forever

Dreams come and go but  will still holds tight

In a world run by paper and coins

A world where lies are better than truth

Minds are made up for us and ideas turned down

With this struggle my mind is torn

Stress and worry for the future that seems to dim

This life lived strong and hard, fun and laid back

This life in a world strickin sick, filled with sin

This life is mine so why must the world not let me live 

But life is life and worth fighting for, so I fight hard to live and not exist 

For I am who I am, now and forever





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