This life is mine
No you can’t do it, you’re not good enough
You’ve got dreams? Well tough
Everyone dreams but few make it
Let’s be realistic you won’t change shit!
You’re disappointed? Guess what that’s life.
Maybe you’re right
My dreams were stupid,
I could never do it, I’m not enough
Am I even worth it? Should I even try?
I guess I’ll just let my dreams die.
You aren’t worth it, just quit
The sooner you realize it the better
Life’s a puzzle and you just don’t fit
The problem is you; can’t blame it on the weather
Nobody cares you’re just in the way
A constant burden day after day
Burden? Okay then I’ll just go.
I’ll get out of your way and just-wait NO!
I am good enough and I can make it
This is my life and I’m taking control
I don’t need you to bring me down
Ill pick myself up off the ground
Strong, fierce, independent.
I’ll prove you wrong.
I’m coming back with a vengeance
I am radian, bright as the stars I shine
The world is mine
Life’s what I make it
I’m whatever I want to be
You still think you can take it
Well you don’t scare me.
I’m filled with passion and drive
Try to put me down but still I rise
I know that I’ll make it no matter the price.
You and all your infinite wisdom,
You couldn’t possibly understand
You don’t know me but soon you’ll see,
How truly flawless I can be.